Naše služby

Poskytujeme komplexné poradenstvo a riadenie projektov financovaných z EÚ a štátneho rozpočtu.

Verejné obstarávanie

Asistencia pri realizácii štátnych zákaziek a podpora vo verejnom obstarávaní pre inštitúcie.

A public protest scene includes several individuals standing near a painted sign with a striking image and text. Flags with European Union and Ukrainian colors are prominently displayed, and a building with classical architecture forms the backdrop.
A public protest scene includes several individuals standing near a painted sign with a striking image and text. Flags with European Union and Ukrainian colors are prominently displayed, and a building with classical architecture forms the backdrop.
Finančné riadenie

Zabezpečujeme due diligence a efektívne finančné riadenie investičných projektov v súkromnom sektore.

Podpora štátnych inštitúcií a samospráv pri realizácii veľkých národných projektov a administratívy.

Projektové poradenstvo
A notebook with lined paper is open, showing handwritten notes in blue ink. A blue pen is lying across the pages, and a red pen with a visible brand name is partially seen above it. The notes mention providing project schedules and deadlines and preparing a PPT for a public meeting scheduled for September 14th.
A notebook with lined paper is open, showing handwritten notes in blue ink. A blue pen is lying across the pages, and a red pen with a visible brand name is partially seen above it. The notes mention providing project schedules and deadlines and preparing a PPT for a public meeting scheduled for September 14th.
Bold white text reading 'EURO' stenciled on a soft blue background, with a modern font style. The image has a shallow depth of field, causing much of the text to blur into the background.
Bold white text reading 'EURO' stenciled on a soft blue background, with a modern font style. The image has a shallow depth of field, causing much of the text to blur into the background.

S sme dosiahli úspešné projekty a efektívne spravovanie verejných zákaziek. Odporúčame!

Ján Novák

Several blue flags with yellow stars are arranged on tall flagpoles in front of a large, modern office building with a grid-like glass facade. The flags are gently waving and are representative of the European Union.
Several blue flags with yellow stars are arranged on tall flagpoles in front of a large, modern office building with a grid-like glass facade. The flags are gently waving and are representative of the European Union.
A modern building facade with a large window reflecting the sky. An emblem with a circular design and a blue rectangle featuring yellow stars, reminiscent of the European Union flag, is visible. The architecture includes glass panels and vertical lines with metallic tones.
A modern building facade with a large window reflecting the sky. An emblem with a circular design and a blue rectangle featuring yellow stars, reminiscent of the European Union flag, is visible. The architecture includes glass panels and vertical lines with metallic tones.
